Ok, maybe not, but I am releasing my first version of snake for the Nintendo DS. To run it you will need a slot 1 flash card (I have been using the CycloDS) or an emulator such as Neon. You can google NDS emulators and you should be able to find them somewhere.
Here is a screen shot:

- Two modes of play
- Traditional (collect jewels to gain speed, length, score)
- Time Challenge (start with a minute, collecting jewels adds time to the clock, survive as long as you can)
- Pause is functional by hitting start button
- Swap screens by hitting the R button
- 4 types of jewels to collect, each modifying either your length or speed.
This game was developed in 3 days, approximately 14 hours of development strictly in Frame Buffer mode. I have just started playing with the DevKitPro API for the DS and I figured I would get some practice doing some low level drawing. All suggestions are welcome, feel free to comment.
You can download the .nds or .ds.gba files here. The only card tested on is the CycloDS. If someone needs a different version, go ahead and let me know how to compile for you and I will add it here.
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