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Thursday, October 27, 2011

UDK Day 1

Today is the day that I start really cracking down and learning unreal script. I have worked with it in the past on and off, but never really got into it as my real world life tends to take me a little deeper down the rabbit hole (i.e. C/C++/C#/HLSL/GLSL/etc...).

The reason today is the day is that my friend and I have some serious plans that we have been talking about for about a year now. Hopefully getting the game play mechanics in place won't take that long... assuming that I get this unreal scripting stuff figured out.

A few issues that I already foresee:
  1. No free to use IDE with code highlighting + code complete/intellisense. I can use visual studio which is great, but I still get no code highlighting. Apparently there is a tool called nFringe but its not free to use for commercial projects, and we hope to eventually sell this jewel. 
  2. No free to use IDE... oh I already said that one, well looks like I'm gonna have to Rambo program this stuff. The biggest problem is class member and function lookups. I have to open the script file that I am working with just to find out what functions I have access to. Makes me sad if you can't tell. 
  3. Syntax is close to C++ or C# however it is just enough different that when I'm coding quickly I can already tell my brain is going to flip back to C++ land and I will bork something up. 
  4. No project file containing all the script files. I could set this up in visual studio, but then I will have an .sln file sitting around that doesn't make a whole lot of sense and I am not yet sure if that will cause the compiler to have issues if it is in the same folder as the script files it is housing. I will figure something out with this, just not there yet at the moment. 
There are more I'm sure, not to mention the learning curve of learning a new engine and a new scripting language and a whole new development paradigm... its gonna be AWESOME!

Oh and as a follow up to my last post, its not a social game, its not gonna be shovelware, both of us feel that we want to make a game WE want to play. Hopefully others will like it too as a result and as any indie developer hopes, maybe it will revolutionize the industry.

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