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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Some Random Stuff

I figured I should post some of the stuff that has been kicking around my hard drive for the past couple of months. Just a few things I have worked on...

This is an image that I created in Maya 8.5, it was going to be a robot character for a game I was designing in XNA but I dropped this project. He is kinda cool looking though. Maybe Ill use the concept in the future.

The Dragon here is an experiment in shading and cell painting in Photoshop. The dragon outline is from a book called Fantasy Clip Art from Andrews McMeel Publishing. The image was drawn by the books author Kevin Crossley. I did the coloring and shading following some of the techniques described in the book. Its not bad for a first attempt. This was done probably 8 months ago. I have gotten a bit better with Photoshop since and I think I would do better if i gave it another crack. I do however like how I did the shading on this image. It gives it more of a hand shaded effect.

Thats all I have found sitting around worth posting at the moment. I know there is more stuff sitting around here that I would want to post up here. Perhaps there will be a "Some Random Stuff 2" post in the near future.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Timers and Direct X

Does anyone know how to get timers to work with Direct X? I have been having one heck of a time getting it to work. Strangest thing:

This is what I got so far... I have a Non-Modal MFC dialog, this is my main dialog. It is using Direct X to draw to the CWnd object of the dialog to control my Editor View. It also launches another Non-Modal MFC dialog that is my properties window. This has nested dialogs associated with tabs on an MFC Tab Control.

Now, I want some CEdit controls attached to these custom dialogs to update every x number of milliseconds. To do this I was going to use a timer. However, it seems that I am doing something wrong. I set up the ON_WM_TIMER handler and create the void OnTimer(UINT_PTR nIDValue) function to handle my timer event. I called SetTimer(1, 100, NULL) to set the timer in the OnInit() function and call it again in my OnTimer function. However, it doesn't seem to ever call the OnTimer function. I can get this to work in a new project on a single dialog. I have also tried to get this to work on all the other dialog classes in the project to no avail.

Is there a conflict with timers and the Direct X loop? Please feel free to comment on this if you think you might know what the problem is... I will love you forever if you can help :)