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Saturday, August 4, 2007

Indy Game I

So for the past couple of weeks, I have started development of my first XNA title. Initial development has gone into constructing the basic implementation of an engine. Current features include an OctTree for object culling, Skybox, object rendering, shader support, post shader processing, 2D HUD GUI manager (there will be a tutorial up here later once I get this working %100), and the beginnings of an input manager for both keyboard and 360 controllers.

The concept is being worked out and revolves around the premise of an indy game developer who was sucked into his own game, it is incomplete and he must beat the game to get back out. My idea is to develop the game as a sudo-2D environment using 3D models fixed on a rail.

The largest problem I have had so far involves camera functionality. The basis of the engine spawns from the Hazy Mind engine site (thanks Michael Schuld for the starting point and very useful information) but the code is quickly becoming heavily modified as the hazy mind engine is not really structured well for large scale projects.

Further updates will be added here later as I start generating screen shots, and better engine code for level generation and collision detection. I am really happy with how much XNA does simplify things. I haven't worked with it enough yet to fully understand how it supports other things such as animations imported from Maya but I am hoping to get into that stuff very soon as I will need animations for my characters.

Check back soon for more updates...

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