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Saturday, December 1, 2007


I have been working on my 2D engine of late, and I have been making some updates to the managers I have written tutorials on. I have already updated the GUI manager with regards to an issue I ran into with sprite tinting. I will also be updating it later to include the optimizations that I made last month using reference passing for some of the larger objects.

As far as the development of the engine, I have been making great progress on how I am going to handle the states of the game. This is greatly important for RPG style games where dialog changes, controls change, and GUI Components rendering changes based on the current location and activity in the game. I have written a state manager that takes much of this into account and I believe that it is quite an elegant solution. I will be posting a tutorial on this here later.

Check out the changes to the GUI Manager tutorials if you have used this code anywhere. It will save you a lot of headache when trying to tint sprites and you can't figure out why (I think I spent a good hour looking at it wondering why it wasn't working).

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