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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Update - New Project

Its been a while since I posted last time, lots have happened, and not so much at the same time. I got a PS3 (the major reason I haven't posted). This has resulted in me not working on my programming so much. I also started a new class for track B, this is an excel class... BORING!

Linear Programming is the main topic for the excel course, which I am extremely good at. I feel like it is a waste of my time. Oh well, work is paying for it (hopefully). Finals went well last semester, I got an AB (3.5 GPA), not bad for accounting.

I also started a new project. I would like to make a side-scrolling engine in Direct X. I have decided that as a single person, a 3D editor is quite a bit out of my feasable scope, unless I quit my job, which is not going to happen unless I can find a job in the Game Industry.

My game? An East meets West, ninja vs. cowboy (at least for the first level ;) ). Ill post some more stuff on this later, such as some sample art and a screen shot once I get the engine up and running. See you soon!

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