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Thursday, February 25, 2010


Scheduling is something that since leaving school as a graduate I really have not had to deal with. The reason being that my day usually consists of working on various tasks that are assigned to me through our task tracking system. Granted some adhoc scheduling is required to ensure that the top priority task is worked on first or to balance due dates with priorities to insure that all of the tasks are completed on time and under budget.

The scheduling that I am referring to is my out of work time. This has mostly been open due to no extra curricular activities with a fraternity or school organizations. The problem I have noticed is that I have a lot of things I want to work on, and I tend to get sidetracked easily. As a result I feel that it is time to schedule my after work activities again like I did when I was very busy in school.

My schedule looks something like this:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
9 am Work Work Work Work Work Videogames Videogames
10 am Work Work Work Work Work Videogames Videogames
11 am Work Work Work Work Work Videogames Videogames
12 am Work Work Work Work Work Videogames Videogames
1 pm Work Work Work Work Work Videogames Videogames
2 pm Work Work Work Work Work Videogames Videogames
3 pm Work Work Work Work Work Videogames Videogames
4 pm Work Work Work Work Work Programming Programming
5 pm Work Work Work Work Work Programming Programming
6 pm Web Web Web Web Web Programming Programming
7 pm Dinner Dinner Applebees Dinner Dinner Programming Japanese
8 pm Japanese Programming Applebees Japanese Programming Programming Japanese
9 pm Japanese Programming Applebees Japanese Programming Programming Personal
10 pm Personal Personal Applebees Personal Personal Personal Personal
11 pm Personal Personal Personal Personal Personal Personal Personal
12 pm Bed Bed Bed Bed Bed? Bed? Bed

The major reason for this is that I feel like I do not get enough work done on my personal projects (and I play too many video games) if I do not have a schedule. I am starting this this week and I hope that I can stick with it. I have a few really important goals with this:
  1. Work more on personal programming projects.
  2. Learn Japanese (which I keep meaning to do but never stick with it, I think scheduled time for this will help)
  3. Keep sane while working hard (I have to play video games and I need social time, thus both are scheduled in the form of video games and Applebees trivia nights). 
 I hope that I can stick with this and that I become more productive as a result. Obviously it isn't set in stone but it is a guide and I am hoping that it will be useful. I am putting it here as a means of trying to show others what I am trying to do to better myself and maybe provide some inspiration for others to do the same.


Kweiko said...

So how is it going with the schedule so far? You know, I've had the very same issue for so many years now that everyone has given up on my getting better :P I, too, want to play videogames but there simply never seems to be time for that. My Japanese is going doooown the road of oblivion and the social network? Last week I realized that I haven't seen my neighbor since last summer X( Apparently, this is an emergency call. I will try to schedule my time too, but I'm not sure it will work, I'm not so keen on the thought of living day in and day out according to a schedule and not just see what surprises each day brings. Lol, this is exactly why I fail to live a normal life huh?

I'll be waiting for future updates about how you cope with it!

Kweiko said...

Btw, maybe you didn't see the answer on my blog, but I'd be very grateful if you sent me your A* implementation!


Unknown said...

Bah, the schedule thing is only working when I want it to work, and the past few days I have not wanted it to work... I guess when I said it would be a lose framework I wasn't joking. FFXIII is taking too much of my time (I know I said I would be only playing video games on the weekends but I am just too into that game to not play it for at least a little while each day). Anyways, I have learned how to read hiragana now (for the most part, still takes some time for my brain to translate a few characters I do not see very often) so I guess it has not been a total loss. I have also started working again on some game projects I have going with some friends. Still looking for a new job and have had some call backs but nothing super promising. That is all for now on the schedule update.