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Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The Woes of C...

I really dislike C, not because it is complex or that I do not understand it. It's not even so much that it is a functional language over a OOP (Object Oriented Programming) language, although that is frustrating. I just hate the libraries that have been developed for it. I dunno... maybe I am just stuck using really obnoxious libraries (specifically National Instruments LabWindows). Utility functions should be intuitive and they should be flexible, C functions that I've had to work with (although I haven't used many different libraries) are just cumbersome, take too many variables and are just all around bulky.

My other beef with C is local variable initialization, I hate having to define loop variables at the top of my function instead of in the loop declaration. I just don't understand why they couldn't write the compiler to declare stack variables while parsing the entire function, even if they had to parse the function twice.

I miss working in C++ :(


Craig said...

Somebody call a whambulance.


Unknown said...

Craig, why don't you go install visual studios 2008??? ;)