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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

VB Crazyness

So I found out something interesting today while working in VB. Even though Debug and Release modes are no different since VB does not generate .obj intermediate files, there is an issue that sometimes the complier will not be able to generate good errors with a simple build command.

Today I had some funky errors stating that I had syntax errors where none existed, and error underlining on the line above where it was saying the error was located. Really strange stuff. I finally thought to do a rebuild (since there are no intermediate files - or so I thought, didn't think it would help) Apparently, this fixed my problem. Very strange....

If VB Modes Debug and Release are different, someone please feel free to comment on this and correct me as I would like to know the difference. C++ is obvious as they generate two separate assemblies that are very different due to the debugging information.


Garrett Hoofman said...

As far as I know, that's been a common bug with the Visual Studio Compilers for a long time now. I think VS 2008 fixed some of those issues though.

Unknown said...

Thanks Garrett, It's too bad my company won't upgrade us to 2008, in their opinion 2003 is tried and tested and it causes them a lot of problems to upgrade. Oh well, at least XNA 2 uses 2008...

Mike said...

The difference is the generation of pdb debugging files.