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Monday, July 28, 2008

Game Review - The World Ends With You : NDS : SquareEnix

Review time...

I've been playing The World Ends With You by SquareEnix as of late. It's a beautiful game and very well implemented for a new IP from a company notorious for re-hashing game play concepts. I was very excited when I first saw this one come out and have recently had a chance to pick it up. I was not disappointed.

At first, I was kind of expecting an emo version of kingdom hearts. Yet, when I first started playing, I had to double check to make sure I wasn't playing a new version of Jet Grind Radio. Although expected from SquareEnix, the game is down right beautiful as far as the art is concerned, and as expected, the music is brilliant. However, music in this game takes a much different approach than the standard SqaureEnix symphonic scores. Very hip, I can even stand to let the sound play at higher than a whisper on my DS, which is probably a first for me on that console.

Even as pretty as it is, the thing that surprised me the most was the innovative game play. The game is really quite unique to the SquareEnix library, and the effective use of both screens makes for quite an exciting fast pace RPG/Adventure game.

The only thing that I would have to say bad about this title is, be prepared to read a lot at the beginning. It does take a while to get into the actual game play of the title, there is a bit of convoluted back story they try to throw at you before you are allowed to fight things. But, it works for this title as the game mechanics are quite complex and the beginning is a fairly painless tutorial that may take a while but at least exposes you to mechanics one at a time.

Bravo SquareEnix, you have won me over yet again as a fanboy. I know we have had our differences in the past (FF7 Crisis Core), but you win. Keep making games like this and I will be devoted for life. Overall rating 9.5 out of 10.


Garrett Hoofman said...
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Garrett Hoofman said...

Things are going pretty good. I saw you the other day, at JJ's. My gosh he makes good food.
How are summer classes treating you?

Garrett Hoofman

Unknown said...

Actually, I got sick from the food there that day. Last time I ate there actually. Anyways, my class is easy but really boring, I am dropping out of Grad School after this term. It's just not what I want to do, that and it's hard to work 40 hrs a week and do classes.

How about you? How is your game dev. stuff coming along? Make anything interesting in a while?

Garrett Hoofman said...

I've been working on a Tetris clone game. Two players, one that's playing the tetris game, and another that's a character in the tetris grid trying to stay alive. Has a couple of other modes, like co-op and such too. Just trying to finish up the game design doc before I start building it.
You have anything in the works?

Garrett Hoofman

Unknown said...

Well... I just released my first NDS homebrew, a clone of Snake. Its on the site here. I am currently working on a clone of Helicopter, as it was requested by someone on the NDS Homebrew forums. I should have that done by the end of this weekend at the latest.

Other than that, I am currently designing a sidescroller ninja gaiden style game with a friend of mine, but not a whole lot of code work as been done yet. I have worked on some art for it, but animation is a slow process when you are not that good at art, don't have a lot of free time, and you want it to look good. Once I get some of the animation done I plan on putting it up here.