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Monday, September 7, 2009

The Origins of DK

So about once every month or so, I get the same question. "What does DK stand for? Does it mean Donkey Kong? You know that's not very original..." So I want to set the story straight.

It doesn't stand for Donkey Kong, plain and simple. I am a bit more original than that (at least I think so) and would never, ever, ever, use a name from a character in a game as the title in my blog.

What it does stand for is Dranco Karanth. I'm sure you are all saying to yourself, "Who?". Let me explain.

When I was about 10 years old, I used to play this game called Legend of Kesmai. Google it if you are unfamiliar with what it is. It was an awesome MMORPG around the time of Ultima Online. The servers were originally hosted on GameStorm before the company went toes up. Anyways, Dranco Karanth was my first character ever in an MMORPG, in this case he was basically a warrior priest (they called them "Thaums" for short, I can't for the life of me remember why). Anyways, as the years progressed and I started playing D&D, the character changed from a priest to a red mage and he picked up some back story. A few more years later and I designed my first "World" around him and his friends and even wrote the beginnings of a book that some day I hope to finish. He has always been in my head and in my heart and is my biggest inspiration for making games and designing worlds. The DK identifier is a simplification and unfortunately holds a general connotation with a big furry monkey from Nintendo and that is unfortunate, but who would want to visit a blog called Dranco Karanth Game Studios???

That's all I have on that matter, if you don't care for it I'm sorry, but it is something special to me and well, frankly, this is my blog so tough :).

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