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Friday, September 28, 2007

Resident Evil Revisited

Man, sometimes I love digging up a classic and playing through the experience one more time, especially when it is one of my favorite games of all times. In this case, it is two of my favorite games of all times, only because it was remade and so well done. Thats right, Resident Evil for the GameCube. I started playing it again the other night (I haven't seen the new movie yet and had watched the first two in preparation for tonights viewing). I wanted to show my girlfriend the intro to the GameCube version because she has never seen a Resident Evil game before. She thought it was good graphics for the system (which I would have to agree for its time) and that the overall feel of the environments were genuinely creepy.

I haven't played the remake all the way through, when I first got it I had been playing Super Smash Bros. and Zelda Windwaker like crazy and didn't really have time to play through a game that I had beat for the playstation when I was like 12. Yea it was pretty and supposedly it had additional content, whatever right? Playing through it again I can just not believe how much they improved on the classic. It is so much spookier than the original, yet all of the great original content is there in some form or the other.

For those of you out there that can't stand playing games that are more than a week old (and I know you exist - I use to be one of you) go back and play this game again, it is well worth your trouble in a time when we are all still waiting for spore...

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