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Friday, May 30, 2008

Moving Time Again

I will be moving this weekend (woo hoo...). I hate moving, it reminds me how much stuff I have. About how much stuff I don't need, and about all the stuff I don't have that would make moving my stuff I don't need easier. It's not like I am moving that far though, I am moving from Houghton, MI. to Hancock, MI. and for anyone who doesn't know where they are, they are across a small body of water from each other. My work actually is right between the two next to the bridge.

The best part about moving is that I will not have internet right away (note the sarcasm). My roommate and I have not yet decided what type of internet to get, DSL or Cable. Neither of us want television since we watch most of our stuff online (I watch a lot of anime and he watches comedy sitcoms which most of air on the net for free). Also, the great thing about moving this weekend is that my car is overheating again. It is going to be a joy trying to get to my new house without my car dieing on me.

Needless to say, my development is going to come to a crawl with my internet down. No looking up good reference material or sdk documentation. Oh well, I'll just have to borrow the interweb from friends on my laptop in the meantime. My girlfriends new place has internet so I suppose I'll have to work there.


Garrett Hoofman said...

Hey if you want a hand, I'm free and bored today. Give me a call.
Garrett Hoofman

Garrett Hoofman said...

btw, I have an explorer that has lots of room. Might be easier to move stuff.

Unknown said...

Thanks Garrett, too bad I didn't get this before I moved all my stuff. I will be having a house warming party soon though and I'll give you a call.